My Budget - Do My Budget

How to Use My Budget

This app consists of three screens:

The Main Screen

The main screen shows the list of budget months throughout the years. You can tap on each month to see its budget details. The plus button at the top right lets you add a new month to the list. You select a month for the year and enter your budget for that month.

The yearly Sum Screen

On this part of the app, you enter the year that you want to see the sum of. It will show you the sum of all expenses for all the months for that year. You can find the total at the bottom right.

The Budget Details

This part shows you a list of all expenses for the month along with total and cumulative expenses. You can see your budget for that month at the top followed by a list of all expenses. A key part of this section is the remaining budget and each time you enter an expense, the remaining budget is automatically updated.

You can then see the total expenses that you have for the month. Finally, it shows you the cumulative expenses for the year but upto that month. The cumulative expense changes depending on which month you're looking at.

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